Monday, July 12, 2010

P90X Part Duex

I have decided to try and blog about my P90X adventures for two reasons: 1) Writing about my progress and thoughts about the program will keep me motivated for this second part. 2) Spread the wealth of information to others because I feel like this program really works.

I'll start off by explaining my history with the program. About 3.5-4 months ago, I must have seen a lot of P90X infomercials or something because for some reason it got stuck in my head, "I could be hardcore and try this, because I've been at a plateau for well over 6 months with my normal gym routine".
I mentioned the program to my friend Carl (who back when we were out of college actually motivated me to start hitting the gym in the first place). Being the person he is, he was up for a challenge, and helped motivate me even more to go ahead and do it.
I obtained the video's, as did he, and bought some gear (resistance bands, pushup bars, doorway pullup bar, protein powder, ~$100-120 all together) and started a 90 day journey.

I planned to Blog my first 90 days of the program, but I failed to do so, nor did I have any progress pictures, or measurements. I hope to at least has progress pictures for this shortened round (2 months instead of 3, but possibly 3).

I weighed about 210-215 lb when I started, and I had been plateaued at this weight for what seems like forever. I'm 6'4" and my initial goal was to get to 190lb by the end of the program.

After the first painful month, sticking to the diet and exercise as best as I could, except for maybe Saturdays, I was already near my goal and weighed in at about 192-193lbs. I was really excited to lose over 15 pounds, and be under 200 pounds for the first time since I can remember. People had been noticing the results, and I felt a lot more energetic. I think the energy came from the low carb, high protein diet they put you on in the first month; That, and waking up at 6:45 to start an exercise that lasts over an hour. My goals were updated and my new goal weight was 185.
The plowed into the second month, increasing my carb intake a smidge, and lowering my protein to hopefully give me more energy for the workouts to do more reps/weight. I'm not sure if this helped or not, but I tried to stick with it. By the end of the second month, I had reached my 185 goal. Total weight loss at that point was 20-25 lb!!!!
Now for the bad news... The third month was a total SLACK month for me. I stayed up late on a lot of nights, so I wasn't able to get myself up to do the workout, I did on average maybe 2-3 workouts a week instead of the 6 they have you do. However, I did stay pretty healthy on the diet, so all-in-all, I sort of stayed level through the 3rd month, my final weigh in after 90 days was 180-182 lb!!

I was really happy with the results of p90x. It sparked alot of interest in co-workers and friends. My girlfriend is still doing the program and really likes it, and she has gained a lot of lean muscle.

But I crave more. If I hadn't slacked the 3rd month, I would have gotten into even better shape. After a week vacation lounging around, I feel like it's a good time to start a second round with new goals!

Unfortunately I don't know my body fat % now, I'd put a guess at maybe 16-17%?? could be way off here, which I'd like to find out really soon, so my weight goal for the 2nd round is 175lb, or 10-12% body fat. I'd like to gain a little bit of size in some areas, so I'm not quite sure if 175 is realistic to offset any muscle gain, but that's what I'm setting for now.

Another goal would be to get through the same exercises a little bit easier, or try some of the advanced moves that I hadn't the first round. There were times in the first round where I just had a horrible day and didn't make it through the whole workout, it wasn't often and it was mostly in the 3rd month when my body kept getting used to being lazy but I want to make it strong through the workouts and increase my reps/weight by the end.

Today was my first day back, and I'll be posting about that a bit later! "I hate it, but I love it"

1 comment:

  1. Bring it son! No slackin' off this time. Your round 1 results are good, should post them when you get the chance.
